How do you make a CV?
CV AND RESUME Kali ini kita belajar tentang CV dan Resume Mari kita kenali dulu yuk Apa sih CV dan Resume itu? 1. Defitinition of CV and Resumee A CV, or curriculum vitae, is a document that details a person's curriculum vitae based on their experiences, qualifications and achievements. Meanwhile, a resume is a document that provides a summary of a person's experience, qualifications and achievements in a specific field. Apakah kamu tau apa tujuan dari CV dan Resume? Berikut ini merupakan tujuan dari Cv dan Resume.Yuk kita pelajari sama sama.. 2. The aims of CV and Resume A CV or Resume for companies that are opening job vacancies is to make it easier to evaluate applicant competencies and talents that are relevant to what the company really needs. Kalian tentunya sudah tau kan tujuan dari CV dan Resume.. Selain itu ada hal penting lho yang harus diperhatikan dalam membuat CV. Berikut Penjelasannya 3. Sentences/ Clause/Expressions CV ...